Army National Guard Unit Bravo Battery 1-119th Field Artillery
We thank you for your service!
It's time for spring cleaning and our Post needs attention too! We are seeking volunteers to assist with spring clean up inside and out. Many hands make work light. Please contact the Post at 989-466-5454 for more information or stop in and lend a hand.
We had a great turnout for our first Red Cross Blood Drive held April 6th, 2015 at the Post. We would like to thank everyone who attended and donated blood. According to Red Cross statistics, every 2 seconds someone in the United States needs blood. We thank you for your generous donation, the gift of life.
We would also like to thank those that helped plan, organize and run this event. VFW Post 1454 is proud to host these types of events but it would not be possible without the participation and assistance of our Members, Auxiliary and supporters. Thanks to you, our blood drive was a great success. So successful that the Post will host additional blood drives in the future. Our thanks to you all for making this possible. Stay tuned for more information on future blood drives. In the meantime, please "like" and follow us on Facebook for information on all of our Post Events! |
Leslie C. McLean