We had a great turn out for our 2018 Memorial Day Ceremony. Our thanks to all in attendance for joining us on this beautiful day to honor our fallen comrades. Our Memorial Day Ceremony began at Riverside Park in Alma, MI with a ceremonial wreath drop by air. Our Chaplain Don Burt lead in prayer. Our Post's Sr. Vice Commander Doug Yarnell & Auxiliary President Loretta Lombard paid tribute to our fallen comrades and our Honor Guard gave a "21 Gun Salute" followed by "Taps". Our Memorial Day Ceremony continues at the All Wars Memorial in the Veterans Section of Riverside Cemetery. Our Post places American flags on every Veteran's grave in Chapel Gardens, New Haven Twp. and Riverside Cemeteries. During our Memorial Day Ceremony we place flowers, a wreath and an American flag at the All Wars Memorial in Riverside Cemetery. The ceremony concludes with another "21 Gun Salute" and "Taps." After the ceremony all were invited back to our Post for coffee, pastries and fellowship. We enjoyed another great turn out. If you missed this year's ceremony, we hope you will plan to attend next year. Our Memorial Day Ceremony takes place every year on Monday, Memorial Day at 10:00 a.m. beginning at Riverside Park in Alma, MI. All are welcome to attend. Thank you for honoring our fallen comrades.
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Leslie C. McLean