Members & Auxiliary Our Post has made many advancements in recent years. We added several new projects including our participation in the National Wreaths Across America Day and Red Cross Blood Drives. We made major improvements to our building. We increased our ability to assist local Veterans and our community. We expanded our reach and raised public awareness significantly with the help of the Internet and social media. None of this would have been possible without the many volunteers who have donated their time, effort and talents to assist our Post in achieving our goals. As VFW and Auxiliary members we have dedicated ourselves to a lifetime of service to our Veterans, our Country and our community. Sec 230102 of our Congressional Charter includes charity and education when outlining the purpose of the VFW. Our Mission Statement includes service to our Veterans, the Military and our community. Our Core Values ensure the care of our Veterans and their families and service to our community. There are opportunities available within our Post for each and every member to lend a hand, share their talents and offer their support. Every act of volunteerism, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, is an opportunity to improve the life of a Veteran within our community and raise awareness for our cause. Let's make 2017 a banner year for volunteerism. Many hands make work light and there is much work to be done. There are many ways you can make a difference and they are all very simple. Sign up to volunteer. Show up to a monthly meeting and share your ideas. Support Post fund raising efforts - buy & sell raffle tickets, pasties and tickets to our special events. Bring your friends and family to a fish fry or Sunday breakfast. Follow us on Facebook, like and share our posts. Every contribution is important! Great things are possible if we tackle them together as a team. January Volunteer Opportunities for Members & Auxiliary
Sunday Breakfast & Fish Fry Volunteers are needed for hosting, money collection, serving & clean-up. Our goal for 2017 is to increase volunteer sign up so each member would only have to volunteer 1-2 shifts per year. This should be an easy goal to achieve but we need you! Contact the Post for more information and get your name on the list. Breakfast volunteers contact Cecelia Proctor or Loretta Lombard to sign up.
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Leslie C. McLean